Cu-containing polyoxometalate-based melamine in the environmental remediation of toxic organic pollutants,,1403 Nahal Aramesh, بهرام يداللهي

Mo132-Ionic Liquid As An Effective Hybrid Catalyst For Selective Epoxidation of Different Alkenes with H2O2,,1403 Mostafa Riahi Farsani, بهرام يداللهي, Hamid Taghiyar, Ahmad Jamali Moghadam

A novel POM/LDH/GO nanocomposite as highly effcient heterogeneous catalyst in green epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide,,1402 علي داداشقلي نياطوري, بهرام يداللهي

Polyoxometalate-based materials against environmental pollutants: A review,,1402 نهال آرامش, احمدرضا باقري, Zheng Zhang, بهرام يداللهي, Hian Kee Lee

Controlled drug delivery and cell adhesion for bone tissue regeneration by Keplerate polyoxometalate (Mo132)/metronidazole/PMMA scaffolds,,1401 حميد تقي يار, بهرام يداللهي, ابوالقاسم عباسي كجاني

A niobium polyoxometalate-folic acid conjugate as a hybrid drug for cancer therapeutics,,1401 محمد علي زاده, بهرام يداللهي

Polyoxometalate-based graphitic carbon nitride for reduction of toxic nitro aromatic compounds in water,,1401 Nahal Aramesh, بهرام يداللهي

Eudesmic acid-polyoxomolybdate organo-conjugate as novel anticancer agent,,1400 Maryam Ramezani-Aliakbari, Azim Soltanabadi, Hojjat Sadeghi-aliabadi, Jaleh Varshosaz, بهرام يداللهي, Farshid Hassanzadeh, Mahboubeh Rostami

Folic acid bonded (Bu4N)5H4[P2W15V3O62] as a smart hybrid compound for cancer cells targeting,,1400 محمد علي زاده, بهرام يداللهي, ابوالقاسم عباسي كجاني

Theoretical comparative survey on the structure and electronic properties of first row transition metal substituted Keggin type polyoxometalates,,1400 سهيلا مير, بهرام يداللهي, رضا اميديان

PMMA nanofibers containing Keplerate-type polyoxometalate and metronidazole: Preparation and wound-healing effect in a rat model,,1400 حميد تقي يار, بهرام يداللهي, سيدجمال مشتاقيان, اردشير طالبي, ابوالقاسم عباسي كجاني

DFT study of ?-Keggin, lacunary Keggin, and iron II-VI substituted Keggin polyoxometalates: the effect of oxidation state and axial ligand on geometry, electronic structures and oxygen transfer,,1399 سهيلا مير, بهرام يداللهي, رضا اميديان, غلامحسن عظيمي گندماني

Zinc substituted Keggin-type polyoxometalate on Dowex: a green heterogeneous catalyst for oxidation of alcohols in water,,1399 مهدي آقايي, بهرام يداللهي, مصطفي رياحي فارساني

Keggin polyoxometalates encapsulated in molybdenum-iron-type Keplerate nanoball as efficient and cost-effective catalysts in the oxidative desulfurization of sulfides,,1398 حميد تقي يار, بهرام يداللهي

New perspective to catalytic epoxidation of ole?ns by Keplerate containing Keggin polyoxometalates,,1397 حميد تقي يار, بهرام يداللهي

Dual functional hybrid-polyoxometalate as a new approach for multidrug delivery,,1396 داوود کريميان, بهرام يداللهي, ولي اله ميرخاني

Green oxidation of alcohols in water by a polyoxometalate nano capsule as catalyst,,1394 الهام نيكبخت طالخونچه, بهرام يداللهي, Mostafa Riahi Farsani

Zinc polyoxometalate on activated carbon: an efficient catalyst for selective oxidation of alcohols with hydrogen peroxide,,1394 الهام سادات اسدي, بهرام يداللهي, Mostafa Riahi Farsani, مجيد مقدم

Catalytic performance of Keplerate polyoxomolybdates in green epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide,,1394 فريبا جليليان, بهرام يداللهي, Mostafa Riahi Farsani, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, هادي اميري رودباري, Rouhollah Habibi

Zn-Al LDH nanostructures pillared by Fe substituted Keggin type polyoxometalate: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic effect in green oxidation of alcohols,,1394 سعيد حسن نيا, بهرام يداللهي

In vitro antitumor activity of free and nano-encapsulated Na5[PMo10V2O40]•nH2O and its binding properties with ctDNA by using combined spectroscopic methods,,1394 سميه ديانت, عبدالخالق بردبار, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, راضيه اميري, سيدحميد زركش اصفهاني, پروين حبيبي

Efficient dye-sensitized solar cell with a pure thin film of a hybrid polyoxometalate covalently attached organic dye as a working electrode in a cobalt redox mediator system,,1394 داود کريميان, بهرام يداللهي, محمود زنده دل, ولي اله ميرخاني

Wheel-shaped copper containing polyoxotungstate as an efficient catalyst in the three-component synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles,,1394 فريبا جليليان, بهرام يداللهي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, هادي اميري رودباري

Recyclable, green and efficient epoxidation of olefins in water with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by polyoxometalate nanocapsule,,1394 رضا فارقي علمداري, شهربانو مرادپور هفشجاني, حميد تقي يار, بهرام يداللهي, مصطفي رياحي فارساني

Chirality at octahedral centres determined by tetradentate Schiff base ligands,,1394 هادي اميري رودباري, Mostafa Riahi Farsani, Santo Lanza, Giuseppe Bruno, بهرام يداللهي

New perspective to Keplerate polyoxomolybdates: Green oxidation of sulfides with hydrogen peroxide in water,,1394 فريبا جليليان, بهرام يداللهي, Mostafa Riahi Farsani, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, هادي اميري رودباري, Rouhollah Habibi

Green oxidation of alcohols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by a tetra-cobalt polyoxometalate in water,,1394 مصطفي رياحي فارساني, Elham Assady, Fariba Jalilian, بهرام يداللهي, هادي اميري رودباري

Solvent free oxidation of sulfides to sulfones by H2O2 in the presence of chromium substituted polyoxometalate as catalyst,,1393 Roozbeh Afrasiabi, Fariba Jalilian, بهرام يداللهي, Mostafa Riahi Farsani

Harvesting visible light for aerobic oxidation of alcohols by a novel and efficient hybrid polyoxometalate,,1393 Davud Karimian, بهرام يداللهي, ولي اله ميرخاني

Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of a Fe polyoxometalate/silica composite in the oxidation of alcohols with hydrogen peroxide,,1393 مصطفي رياحي فارساني, بهرام يداللهي

Highly selective and efficient oxidation of sulfides with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by a chromium substituted Keggin type polyoxometalate,,1393 روزيه افراسيابي, مصطفي رياحي فارساني, بهرام يداللهي

In vitro antitumor activity of parent and nano-encapsulated mono cobalt-substituted Keggin polyoxotungstate and its ctDNA binding properties,,1393 S. Dianat, عبدالخالق بردبار, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, سيدحميد زركش اصفهاني, P Habibi

Comparison between various Keggin and Wells–Dawson sandwich-type polyoxometalates in catalytic oxidation of cyclooctene and cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide,,1393 مصطفي رياحي فارساني, Fariba Jalilian, بهرام يداللهي, هادي اميري رودباري

First stable nitrate-encapsulated sandwich type polyoxometalate: Synthesis, structural characterization, and catalytic performance,,1393 مصطفي رياحي فارساني, بهرام يداللهي, هادي اميري رودباري, اكبر اميني, Tom Caradoc-Davis, Jason R. Pric

A comparative study on Keggin and Wells–Dawson sandwich type polyoxometallates in the oxidation of alcohols with 30% hydrogen peroxide,,1393 مصطفي رياحي فارساني, فريبا جليليان, بهرام يداللهي, هادي اميري رودباري

Green and efficient oxidation of benzylic alcohols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by an inorganic–organic hybrid catalyst,,1392 زهرا نادعليان مارناني, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي, مجيد مقدم, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ايرج محمدپوربلترك

Selective oxidation of alkenes using [bmim]5[PW11ZnO39]•3H2O hybrid catalyst,,1392 زهرا نادعليان مارناني, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي, مجيد مقدم, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ايرج محمدپوربلترك

ctDNA binding affinity and in vitro antitumor activity of three Keggin type polyoxotungestates,,1392 S Dianat, عبدالخالق بردبار, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, سيدحميد زركش اصفهاني, P Habibi

Stability investigation of some heteropolyoxotungstate and heteropolyoxomolybdate heteropolyoxomolybdate salts in buffer solutions,,1391 سميه ديانت, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, عبدالخالق بردبار, مجيد مقدم, ولي اله ميرخاني, ايرج محمدپوربلترك

Fe(III) substituted Wells–Dawson type polyoxometalate: An efficient catalyst for ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines,,1391 نهال آرامش, بهرام يداللهي, ولي اله ميرخاني

Selective oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes using inorganic–organic hybrid catalyst based on zinc substituted polyoxometalate and ionic liquid,,1390 زهرا نادعليان مارناني, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي, مجيد مقدم, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ايرج محمدپوربلترك

Rapid and efficient protection of alcohols and phenols, and deprotection of trimethylsilyl ethers catalyzed by a cerium-containing polyoxometalate,,1389 بهرام يداللهي, ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, داوود كريميان

Fabrication of carbon paste electrode containing [PFeW11O39](4-) polyoxoanion supported on modified amorphous silica gel and its electrocatalytic activity for H2O2 reduction,,1388 حميدي, اسماعيل شمس سولاري, بهرام يداللهي, علي رضا طاهري

Removal of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) from Contaminated Water by Photocatalytic Process,,1387 A .Eslami, S.Nasseri , بهرام يداللهي, A.Mesdaghinia , F.Vaezi , R .Nabizadeh

Photocatalytic degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in contaminated water by ZnO nanoparticies,,1387 A. Eslami, S. Nasseri, بهرام يداللهي, A. Mesdaghinia, F. Vaezi, R. Nabizadeh, Sh. Nazmara

(TBA)4PFeW11O39 3H2O catalyzed efficient and facile ring opening reaction,,1387 H. Danafar, بهرام يداللهي

Fabrication of bulk-modified carbon paste electrode containing alpha-PW12O403- polyanion supported on modified silica gel: Preparation, electrochemistry and electrocatalysis,,1386 حسن حميدي, اسماعيل شمس سولاري, بهرام يداللهي, فرهاد كبيرياصفهاني

Application of photocatalytic process for removal of methyl tert-butyl ether from highly contaminated water.,,1386 A. Eslami, S. Nasseri, بهرام يداللهي, A. Mesdaghinia, F. Vaezi, R. Nabizadeh

Efficient preparation of vic-diacetates from epoxides and acetic anhydride in the presence of iron(III)-substituted polyoxometalate as catalyst,,1386 بهرام يداللهي, فرهاد كبيري اصفهاني

A facile synthesis of 1,2-azidoalcohols by (TBA) 4PFeW11O39 center dot 3H(2)O-catalyzed azidolysis of epoxides with NaN3,,1385 بهرام يداللهي, حسين دانافر

Mild and Efficient Ring Opening of Epoxides Catalyzed by Potassium Dodecatungstocobaltate(III),,1385 شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, مجيد مقدم, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي, سيد محمدرضا ميرمحمدي

Ammonium decatungstocerate (IV): an efficient catalyst for ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines,,1384 ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, لادن علي پناه

Cerium polyoxometalate as a reusable catalyst for acetylation and formylation of alcohols,,1383 ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, مجيد مقدم, بهرام يداللهي, لادن علي پناه

Titanium dioxide as a mild and efficient catalyst for conversion of epoxides to thiiranes,,1383 بهرام يداللهي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, محمدحسين حبيبي

Catalytic conversion of sulfides to sulfoxides by the [PZnMo2W9O39](5-) polyoxometalate,,1382 بهرام يداللهي

Efficient regio- and stereoselective ring opening of epoxides with alcohols, acetic acid and water catalyzed by ammonium decatungstocerate(IV),,1382 ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, لادن علي پناه

Reactions of oxiranes and carbonyl compounds catalysied by ammonium decatungestocerate (IV),,1382 ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي, لادن عليپناه

Cobalt polyoxometalate, CoW12O405- as a new reusable catalyst for the direct, fast and efficient acetylation of alcohols and phenols under solventless conditions,,1381 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

Catalytic acetylation of alcohols and phenols with potassium dodecatungstocobaltate trihydrate,,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

K5CoW12O40 3H(2)O: a novel cobalt polyoxometalate catalyst for conversion of epoxides to acetonides,,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

Novel Catalytic Acetrylation and Formylation of Alcohols with Potassium Dodecatungstocobaltate Trihydrate (K5CoW12O40.3H2O),,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

Photocatalytic mineralisation of mercaptans as environmental pollutants in aquatic system using TiO2 suspension,,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي

Potassium dodecatangestocobaltate trihydrate (K5CoW12O40·3H2O): a mild and efficient catalyst for deprotection of dioxolanes and trimethylsilyl ethers,,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ايرج محمدپوربلترك, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

Potassium dodecatangestocobaltate trihydrate (K5CoW12O40.3H2O): a mild and efficient catalyst for the tetrahydropyranylation of alcohols and their detetrahydropyranylation,,1380 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, ايرج محمدپوربلترك, ولي اله ميرخاني, بهرام يداللهي

Efficient and selective epoxidation of alkenes by supported manganese porphyrin under ultrasonic irradiation,,1379 ولي اله ميرخاني, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, مجيد مقدم, بهرام يداللهي

Detoxification of water containing para-methyl thiophenol with photocatalytic oxygenation on titanium dioxide,,1379 محمدحسين حبيبي, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي

Photocatalytic degradation of wastewater pollutants: titanium dioxide-mediated oxidation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole,,1378 محمدحسين حبيبي, ايرج محمدپوربلترك, شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي

Oxidation of Hydrocarbons with Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed by Zinc Containing Polyoxometalate,,1377 شهرام تنگستاني نژاد, بهرام يداللهي